Suppose the interval ​[negative 3−3​,negative 1−1​] is partitioned into nequals=44 subintervals. What is the subinterval length Upper Delta xΔx​? List the grid points x0​, x1​, x2​, x3​, x4. Which points are used for the​ left, right, and midpoint Riemann​ sums?

Respuesta :

Answer: Δx​ = 0.5

Step-by-step explanation:

We have the interval:

​[−3​, −1​]

and we partition it into 4 equal intervals.

first, the range of our interval is equal to the difference between the extremes, this is:

-1 - (-3) = -1 + 3 = 2

Then, if we divide it into 4, we have 4 segments with a range of:

2/4 = 0.5

Then the subinterval delta is 0.5, and the 4 intervals are:

​[−3​, -2.5​],  ​[−2.5, −2​],  ​[−2​, −1.5​],  ​[−1.5, −1​]