2. Turn on Show current and select Electron flow. The moving dots represent a current of electrons—tiny, negatively charged particles—moving through the wire. Voltage is a measure of how much more potential energy an electron at one end of a battery has than an electron at the other end of the battery. A. How does changing the battery’s voltage affect the current? It makes the current get more electrons which causes more movement

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Changing the battery's voltage will also change the flow of electrons through the circuit. An increase in the voltage will produce more electron movement, and a reduction in the voltage will produce less electron movement.


The voltage is the potential energy between two points in an electric circuit. It is also the work done per unit charge to move a charge between these two points, this work is done against the resistance (analogous to frictional forces in the wire) of the wire. The potential energy is like the push required to move an electron through an electric circuit, and negatively charged particle (electron in the case of the wire) are pulled towards the higher potential, which is conventionally at the positive terminal. Current (flow of electrons) will not occur without any potential between two points.

Changing the battery's voltage will change the push that is experienced by the electrons. If the potential is increased, the electrons will experience more push, which means there will be more movement or flow of electrons through the circuit. Reducing the battery's voltage reduces the push experienced by the electrons; meaning a reduced flow or movement of these electrons through the circuit.