Equilibrium price is $8 in a perfectly competitive market. For a perfectly competitive firm, MR = MC at 150 units of output. At 150 units, ATC is $11, and AVC is $10. The best policy for this firm is to __________ in the short run. Also, total fixed cost equals __________ and total variable cost equals __________ for this firm.

Respuesta :


Shut down




A perfect competition is characterised by many buyers and sellers of homogeneous goods and services. Market prices are set by the forces of demand and supply. There are no barriers to entry or exit of firms into the industry.  

In the long run, firms earn zero economic profit.  If in the short run firms are earning economic profit, in the long run firms would enter into the industry. This would drive economic profit to zero.  

Also, if in the short run, firms are earning economic loss, in the long run, firms would exit the industry until economic profit falls to zero.  

in the shut run, a perfect competition should shut down if average variable cost is greater than price. this is the case for this firm $10 is greater than $8.

total fixed cost = average fixed cost x quantity produced = $11 x 150 = $1650

Total variable cost = average variable cost x quantity produced = $10 x 150 = $1500