Two hundred ten more than a number
divided by six is equal to two hundred
thirty-four more than the same number
divided by fourteen. What is the number?

Two hundred ten more than a number divided by six is equal to two hundred thirtyfour more than the same number divided by fourteen What is the number class=

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Step-by-step explanation:

To do this you would set up the equation which is [tex](x+210)/6=(x+234)/14[/tex] and when you multiply 6 and 14 to both sides you get [tex]14x+2490=6x+1404[/tex] then you would subtract 1404 from both sides so you get [tex]14x+1086=6x[/tex] then you would subtract 14x from both sides so you get [tex]-8x=1086[/tex] and when you divide -8 from both sides you will get [tex]x=-135.75[/tex]