Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651 - 1695) fue una escritora mexicana. Escribió sobre temas feministas, los cuales no eran comunes en aquellos tiempos. Al leer el poema, fíjate en el tema y mensaje que trata de expresar. En perseguirme, Mundo, ¿qué interesas? En perseguirme, Mundo, ¿qué interesas? ¿En qué te ofendo, cuando sólo intento poner bellezas en mi entendimiento y no mi entendimiento en las bellezas? Yo no estimo tesoros ni riquezas; y así, siempre me causa más contento poner riquezas en mi pensamiento que no mi pensamiento en las riquezas. Y no estimo hermosura que, vencida, es despojo civil de las edades, ni riqueza me agrada fementida, teniendo por mejor, en mis verdades, consumir vanidades de la vida que consumir la vida en vanidades. Tarea: ¿Qué ideas/sentimientos trata de expresar Sor Juana en su poema? ¿Cuál es el tono del poema? Your response should be in Spanish. You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness of the response (Did you answer all the questions?), and (c) overall quality of the response please write a summary of the poem in spanish. will mark brainliest. thank you!

Respuesta :


The idea of this poem is how the world or more likely referring to the society interested in what she’s doing. What the stereotypes they have of women and how she wants to be treated differently and not create anymore bias, stereotypes . The tone of this is sounding like sadness from how the society is treating women.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651 - 1695) was a Mexican writer. She wrote on feminist issues, which were not common in those days. As you read the poem, note the theme and message it is trying to convey. In chasing me, World, what are you interested in? In chasing me, World, what are you interested in? How do I offend you, when I only try to put beauties in my understanding and not my understanding in beauties? I do not value treasures or riches; and thus, it always makes me more content to put wealth in my thought than not my thought in wealth. And I do not consider beauty that, defeated, is the civil spoil of the ages, nor do I like wealth falsified, considering it better, in my truths, to consume vanities of life than to consume life in vanities. Task: What ideas / feelings does Sor Juana try to express in her poem? What is the tone of the poem? Your response should be in Spanish. You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness of the response (Did you answer all the questions?), And (c) overall quality of the response please write a summary of the poem in Spanish .

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz was a poet and scholar whose work bridged the periods of the Spanish Golden Age Baroque and the Enlightenment, the locales of Spain and colonial Mexico, and the philosophies of Roman Catholicism and of scientific endeavour.