Which event marks the beginning of the "rising action" in "The Most Dangerous Game"?
Rainsford's dinner with Zaroff
Rainsford trapping Zaroff
Rainsford falling off the yacht
Rainsford being hunted

Respuesta :


Rainsford falling off the yacht


The rising action of a story begins when a conflict is introduced. A story's rising action includes the major plot points leading up to the climax. A conflict is defined as any kind of struggle between two forces. These forces can be anything from two human beings to a human being against an inhuman force. In this case, since Rainsford has fallen into the water, there is now a person versus nature conflict which starts the rising action.

Rainsford being hunted


As soon as Rainsford discover that he is going to be hunted at night by General Zaroff and that confreontation and a battle to death is inevitable the rising actions stars.