Please write down prearation of perment slides of pollen grains by acetolysis method and study of different pollen characters: study of variation pattern in different taxa.

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  • Collection and preservation of pollen material: In clean glass pots containing 70% glacial acetic acid, some of the stamens are applied with clean forceps prior to flower synthesis and sometimes protected from diamonds or mature flower buds.
  • Some polyologists recommend 70% ethyl alcohol to preserve feathers in place of glacial acetic acid. In this condition, pollen-filled feathers can be stored indefinitely.  The wings are transferred to a centrifuge tube and rinsed well with distilled water.
  • the wings are crushed with a glass rod and the mixture is filtered through a cheesecloth or sieve. The lower part is recalled in the centrifuge tube.  A freshly prepared acetolysis mixture containing acetic anhydride and concentrated H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) in a ratio of 9: 1 is poured into a centrifuge tube containing the washed pollen. Care must be taken to connect the conceider.
  • H2SO4 by acetic anhydride drop to prevent overheating. The acetolysis solution reacts violently with water. Glacial acetic acid washers are required to replace water with acetic acid, which does not react violently with the acetolysis solution.
  • Although the acetolysis process varies from pathologist to pulmonologist, the following approach seems to be the most appropriate. From the first to the last acetic acid wash, care is taken regardless of the water solution. Only distilled water should be used for washing to prevent contamination.