A helicopter is at a cruising height of 1,200 feet. Suppose the angle of depression to the landing pad is 15°, which is located on top of a building that is 64 feet high. If the helicopter continues at the current cruising height, how far does the helicopter need to travel to be directly above the landing pad? Include a sketch that shows all known information and clearly shows what you need to find. Show all work and give the answer rounded to the nearest foot.

Respuesta :


we have a right triangle and to get the internal angle of the right triangle formed at the helicopter we subtract 62 degrees from 90 which equals 28 degrees

we now use the cosine to find the distance (d) from the helicopter

cosine 28 = 85/d

d = 85 / cosine 28 = 85 / 0.8829 = 96.2736 = 96 feet