Krystal is 47 years old and single. She is a high school principal, making $75,000 a year. She currently owns a 401(k) valued at $85,000. Krystal would like to retire at age 65 with $1.2 million in her retirement nest egg. She plans to contribute $12,000 a year to her retirement fund, growing at 10%.Required:a. Will Krystal reach her goal? Justify your answer by using the Investment Calculator on Foundations U b. If she won't reach her goal, what needs to change in order for her to reach it? c. Is it really possible to get 10% growth in an investment fund? How?

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a) Krystal's account balance when she is 65:

$75,000 x (1 + 10%)¹⁸ = $416,993.80

$12,000 x 45.599 (FV annuity factor, 10%, 18 periods) = $547,188

total account balance = $964,181.80

Krystal will not reach her goal.

b) she need to save $1,200,000 - $964,181.80 = $235,818.20

she will need to save an extra $235,818.20 / 45.599 = $5,171.57 per year

her total contributions per year = $12,000 + $5,171.57 = $17,171.57

c) The historical growth rate of the S&P 500 is 12%, so it is really possible to earn at least 10%. Maybe the stock market is not going well right now, but you must remember that retirement accounts are long term accounts and last for many years. The market will have time to bounce back.