41 points.... No incomplete answers. QUESTION 1 Gladiators were trained warriors and slaves that would entertain the public in mortal combat in coliseums. True False 1 points QUESTION 2 An aqueduct is a picture made by using small colored pieces of stone. True False 1 points QUESTION 3 A Plebian is a Roman citizen. True False 1 points QUESTION 4 Romans created statues that were realistic and very much looked like the real person. True False 1 points QUESTION 5 Greek art and Roman art are similar. True False 1 points QUESTION 6 The Colosseum could hold upwards of how many spectators? 100,000 50,000 80,000 75,000 2 points QUESTION 7 Augustus of Primaporta wanted to portray himself as a leader of lions. leader of Christians. perfect leader with flawless features. a handsome man. 2 points QUESTION 8 Relief sculptures were shallow three dimensional carvings on flat surfaces, used for architectural works such as columns, arches and temples. roads, temples, and buildings. banks, homes and temples. columns, statues, and arches. 2 points QUESTION 9 The job of their orators was not to argue, but to please the audience. convince others to follow them. demonstrate their points clearly. argue persuasively. 2 points QUESTION 10 The Pantheon is famous for its size as well as its construction and design. artwork. archways. columns.