Assume that the heat is transferred from the cold reservoir to the hot reservoir contrary to the Clausis statement of the second law. Prove that this violates the increase of entropy principle—as it should according to Clausius.

Respuesta :

Answer: hello attached below is the diagram which is part of your question

Total entropy change  = entropy change in cold reservoir + entropy change in hot reservoir = -0.166 + 0.083 = -0.0837 kj/k  it violates Clausius increase of entropy which is Sgen > 0


Clausius statement states that it is impossible to transfer heat energy from a cooler body to a hotter body in a cycle or region without any other external factors affecting it .  

applying the increase in entropy principle to prove this

temp of cold reservoir (t hot)= 600 k

temp of hot reservoir(t cold) = 1220 k

energy (q) = 100 kj

total entropy change  = entropy change in cold reservoir + entropy change in hot reservoir = -0.166 + 0.083 = -0.0837 kj/k

entropy change in cold reservoir = Q/t cold = 100 / 600 = -0.166 kj/k

entropy change in hot reservoir = Q / t hot = 100 / 1220 = 0.083 kj/k

hence it violates  Clausius inequality of increase of entropy principle which is states that generated entropy has to be > 0

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