ROI, Residual Income, and EVA with Different Bases Envision Company has a target return on capital of 12 percent. The following financial information is available for October ($ thousands):

Software Division . Consulting Division Venture Capital Division

(Value Base) (Value Base) (Value Base)

Book Current Book Current Book Current

Sales $100,000 $100,000 $200,000 $200,000 $800,000 $800,000

Income 12,250 11,700 16,400 20,020 56,730 51,920

Assets 70,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 610,000 590,000

Liabilities 10,000 10,000 14,000 14,000 40,000 40,000


a. Compute the return on investment using both book and current values for each division. Round answers to three decimal places.

Book Value Current Value

Software Answer ? Answer ?

Consulting Answer ? Answer ?

Venture Capital Answer ? Answer ?

b. Compute the residual income for both book and current values for each division. Use negative signs with answers, when appropriate.

Book Value Current Value

Software $Answer 3,850 $Answer 900

Consulting Answer 4,400 . Answer 6,820

Venture Capital Answer (16,470) Answer (1,880)

c. Compute the economic value added income for both book and current values for each division if the tax rate is 30 percent and the weighted average cost of capital is 10 percent. Use negative signs with answers, when appropriate. Book Value Current Value

Software $Answer ? $Answer ?

Consulting Answer ? Answer ?

Venture Capital Answer ? Answer ?

Respuesta :


a. ROI = income / Assets      

                                      Book Value       Current Value    

Software Division              0.175              0.13    

Consulting Division           0.164              0.182    

Venture Capital Division   0.093            0.088


i. Book value

Software Division = 12,250/70,000=0.175

Consulting Division = 16,400/100,000=0.164  

Venture Capital Division = 56,730/610,000 =0.093

ii. Current value

Software Division = 11,700/90,000=0.13

Consulting Division = 20,020/110,000=0.182

Venture Capital Division= 51,920/ 590,000=0.088

b. Residual income = Income - {Asset x Return on capital 12% }

                                      Book Value       Current Value    

Software Division              3850              900    

Consulting Division           4400              6820    

Venture Capital Division   -16470           -18880


i. Book value

Software Division = 12,250-(70,000*12%)=3850

Consulting Division = 16,400-(100,000*12%)=4400  

Venture Capital Division = 56,730-(610,000*12%) =-16470

ii. Current value

Software Division = 11,700-(90,000*12%)=900

Consulting Division = 20,020-(110,000*12%)=6820

Venture Capital Division= 51,920-(590,000*12%)=-18880

c. Economic Value Added ( EVA ) = Net Income After Tax - ( Amount of Capital x Weighted Average Cost of Capital [WACC] )

C.                     Software Division  

                            (Value Base)  

                                    Book            Current

Sales                           100,000          100,000

Income                          12,250           11,700

Assets                           70,000          90,000

Liabilities                      10,000           10,000

Capital invested           60,000          80,000

(Asset - Liabilities)

Tax on Income(30%)     3675            3510

Income after Tax            8,575           8,190

(Income - Tax on

income) (A)

Capital invested             6,000           8,000

* WACC - 10% ) (B)

EVA (C)=(A)-(B)                2,575            190

                       Consulting Division

                            (Value Base)

                                     Book            Current

Sales                         200,000        200,000

Income                        16,400           20,020

Assets                         100,000        110,000

Liabilities                      14,000         14,000

Capital invested           86,000       96,000

(Asset - Liabilities)

Tax on Income(30%)     4920            6006

Income after Tax           11,480           14,014

(Income - Tax on

income) (A)

Capital invested           8,600            9,600

* WACC - 10% ) (B)

EVA (C)=(A)-(B)              2,880            4,414

                     Venture Capital Division

                           (Value Base)

                                   Book            Current

Sales                        800,000       800,000

Income                      56,730          51,920

Assets                       610,000        590,000

Liabilities                    40,000         40,000

Capital invested        570,000        550,000

(Asset - Liabilities)

Tax on Income(30%)    17019          15576

Income after Tax          39,711         36,344

(Income - Tax on

income) (A)

Capital invested           57,000       55,000

* WACC - 10% ) (B)

EVA (C)=(A)-(B)              -17,289       -18,656