1.A big debate is raging in both the religious and political arenas regarding same sex marriages. Do you think that if people choose to be committed together, they are entitled to be recognized as a married couple? Why or why not? Present reasons for your answer.
2. Why do you think preventing spousal and domestic abuse should be a concern of the government? Do you think it should? Back up your answers with evidence from the reading.
3.Do you think couples should be entitled to the same legal benefits as those who have a marriage license? Why or why not?
4.Leona Helmsley left her millions to her nine-year-old dog. She was legally sane at the time—and ran her businesses and corporations until the day she died. Do you think she had the legal right to do what she wanted with her money, or was the judge in the case within his rights to change Leona’s will? Why or why not?
5. Explain the importance of a will, a power of attorney document, and a guardianship agreement in the case of a cohabitating couple—parents of two children—who are killed in an auto accident. PLEASE HELP ASAP will mark the brainiest paragraph if possible

Respuesta :

Spousal and domestic abuse should be a concern of the government because women aren’t able to speak up for themselves these day 20 people are abused per minute by their partners 5 dead. These men when they get into a bad mood or drunken state come home and beat on women then we cant go anywhere because there’s no where to run too nobody to help us the government needs to look into the matter!