Respuesta :




Company decisions are taken by two process which are named as Ordinary Resolution and Special Resolution. To know the similarities, will need to explain them individually

Ordinary resolution is passed by the numbers of the company by the simple majority. That is, vote in favour exceed the votes casted against the resolution by members to entitled for voting. It is used for normal business activities such as appointments of new or changing directors, Issuing of new shares, e.t.c.

special resolution is a type of resolution in which it is affirm by 2/3 of the members of board or committee of the company (at least 75% of the members). It used for special decisions as the name implies. Decision such as changing the name and or constitution of the company, Investing on long term bases and large capital investment, e.t.c.

The similarities involved in both resolutions is that meeting as to hold before any of them can be passed. They are both used as decision making tool for the development of the company.