Suppose you own a travel agency in a large city. You have many corporate clients, but growth has slowed somewhat Some long-term employees are getting discouraged, but you feel that there might be a way to make technology work in your favor. Use your imagination and suggest at least one strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat that your business faces.

Respuesta :


For any business or organisation, a strategic planning is a road map leading to a successful future. SWOT planning and analysis makes contribution to that strategic planning processes by identifying the various labor, technical and financial resources. SWOT stands for --

S - Strength

W - Weakness

O - Opportunity

T - Threat

One such strength of our business is we have a great and commendable employee retention.

Weakness is that we have not utilize technology properly to attract the customers. Also we need to update to our software.

An opportunity is that we can explore many technological solutions for the problems that causes growth issues. Also we can be the first in the niche market to use such technologies thus attracting customers.

And a threat is that we adapting to changing internet and as well as technology climate can lead to our business failing.