1.1.5 practice: analyzing business culture

a. Recall what you have learned about positive culture and business practices in this lesson. With an

understanding that some things must change with company X, discuss ways in which Company X can

still focus on making changes but also focus on keeping positive culture practices while these changes

are being made. (1 point)

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A positive culture is an advantage when changes need to be made in the company. Making organisational changes and maintaining a positive culture a mutually complementary rather than mutually exclusive.

In a positive culture environment, people are happy and feel valued. When people feel happy and valued, it makes it easy for management to garner their buy-in cooperation when changes need to be made within the business.

In a culture that is negative, people don't feel valued and as such are always after their own interest rather than that of the company. There is also a tendency to always be on the defensive side of any change that is about to come looking out for one's self rather than what is best for the collective good. In this case, staff are much likely to sabotage new initiatives and changes rather than work to actuate them.

The obverse is true for a business with a positive culture.
