1. Which sentence best demonstrates Frederick Douglass’s use of precise adjectives? A. It was to those little Baltimore boys that I felt the strongest attachment. B. I had known what it was to be kindly treated; they had known nothing of the kind. C. She did not deem it impudent or unmannerly for a slave to look her in the face. D. I was leaving, too, without the hope of ever being allowed to return.
2. My new mistress proved to be all she appeared when I first met her at the door,--a woman of the kindest heart and finest feelings. She had never had a slave under her control previously to myself, and prior to her marriage she had been dependent upon her own industry for a living. She was by trade a weaver; and by constant application to her business, she had been in a good degree preserved from the blighting and dehumanizing effects of slavery. I was utterly astonished at her goodness. What effect does Douglass’s use of the adjectives "blighting and dehumanizing” have on the reader? A. They create an image of the quality of the mistress’s weaving. B. They emphasize the damage slavery causes to a slaveholder’s character. C. They describe the harsh treatment that Douglass received from his mistress. D. They illustrate the mistress’s kindness toward Douglass.
3. And, to cap the climax of their base ingratitude and fiendish barbarity, my grandmother, who was now very old, having outlived my old master and all his children, having seen the beginning and end of all of them, and her present owners finding she was of but little value, her frame already racked with the pains of old age, and complete helplessness fast stealing over her once active limbs, they took her to the woods, built her a little hut, put up a little mud-chimney, and then made her welcome to the privilege of supporting herself there in perfect loneliness; thus virtually turning her out to die! What effect does Douglass’s use of the words “welcome,” “privilege,” and “perfect” have in this paragraph? A. They are used sarcastically to emphasize the cruel treatment of his grandmother. B. They provide a contrast between the wealthy, powerful master and the enslaved person. C. They demonstrate the kind treatment Douglass’s grandmother received from her master. D. They are used to describe Douglass’s grandmother’s dreams of one day being set free.
4. I had two sisters and one brother, that lived in the same house with me; but the early separation of us from our mother had well nigh blotted the fact of our relationship from our memories. What effect does Douglass’s use of the word "blotted” have on the narrative? A. It creates the image of an unbreakable bond between Douglass and his family. B. It reminds the reader of the efforts that Douglass made to learn to write. C. It implies that Douglass and his siblings nearly forgot about their early lives. D. It emphasizes that Douglass felt he could rewrite elements of his past.
5. In the same book, I met with one of Sheridan's mighty speeches on and in behalf of Catholic emancipation. These were choice documents to me. I read them over and over again with unabated interest. They gave tongue to interesting thoughts of my own soul, which had frequently flashed through my mind, and died away for want of utterance. In this paragraph, what connotation does "choice” have? A. difficult to understand B. a selection or decision C. an expensive object D. of very good quality
6. Which statement best represents a negative connotation for the word “child”? A. Be careful when you are holding the child. B. I have one lovely child, and that is enough. C. A child is a young person who is not an adult. D. Stop being a child, and pay all of your bills.