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For the other verbs (-IR, -RE and most “traditionally” irregular verbs in French), the S remains for the “tu” form, except for “aller” which becomes “va”:

1. Finis tes devoirs !

2. Ne traduis pas mot à mot !

3. Prends un bonbon.

3. BUT Va lui demander !


A pronoun replaces one or several nouns.

When you speak of John, instead of repeating his name over and over, you use the pronoun “he”.

John loves Paris. He loves Paris.

“Him”, “his” are other kinds of pronouns which could also refer to John.

Anne likes him.

This book is his.

You choose the correct pronoun according to the noun you want to replace and its grammatical value.

For example: “he” is used to replace a “masculine singular” noun (one man for example) which is subject of the verb; “him” when it’s an object pronoun; and “his” when it’s a possessive pronoun.

Today, we will concentrate on using subject pronouns. First, let’s see what the grammatical term “subject” means.

Je (or j’ + vowel or h) = I

Tu = you singular informal

Il = it, he

Long “eel” sound

Elle = it, she

Short clipped “el” sound

On – this one is more difficult to understand. It used to mean “ one “, but nowadays, “on” is used in casual French to say “ we “, instead of the now more formal/written form “ nous” (see below). Here is my article about the pronoun on in French.

Vous = you, one person, formal

“Vous” versus “tu” is a can of worms… there is a basic rule, and then many exceptions. I suggest you read my article about “Vous” versus “tu” in French – it makes for an interesting read!

About “tu”… there is only one form for “tu” and it’s “tu”. “T'” (t apostrophe) is short for “te”, another pronoun. Now… in informal texting, it’s common for people to misspell things and to write them like they sound. So you may see a “t'” where there should really be a “tu”. Don’t write your French essays that way… Your teacher won’t appreciate it!



Conjugate the verbs in the imperative form, in the person requested.

a- Achète un ordinateur.  (tu)

b- Allons à la maison.    (nous)

c- Venez chez nous.    (vous)

d- Fais de la place sur ton bureau. (tu)

e- Rangez vos chambres.  (vous)

f- Invite des amis.    (tu)


hope this helps☺☺☺