Communication skills are critical to successful job performance. In the workplace, you will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills when interacting with your boss, coworkers, and customers.For example, imagine that you are attending a sales meeting. You've been there for two hours; there are many figures and charts to examine, and the speaker isn't very exciting. To absorb important information in this situation, you'll have to exercise advanced ( Sales Skills / Organizational Skills / listening Skills ).Writing skills are increasingly important in today’s digital workplace because many workers stay connected by using communication technologies like e-mail and instant messaging.Effective writing skills are (Useful, but not necessary, as administrative assitants will write most of your letters for you / no longer as necessary as they used to be / critical for a successful career in business).Employees today are not simply hired based on what they know. They are also hired for their ability to learn quickly and think critically. In order to thrive and advance in the business world today, individuals must be equipped to navigate the complexity of the digital workplace and to take charge of their own careers.