
Match these vocabulary words with their definitions.
1. proprietary colonyowned by a private person
2. chattelany article of movable or immovable property
3. patroona landowner who had certain privileges under the former Dutch government of New York

Respuesta :

You seem to have given the answers already. I will simply confirm them and add some explanation.


1. proprietary colony --> owned by a private person

2. chattel --> any article of movable or immovable property

3. patroon --> a landowner who had certain privileges under the former Dutch government of New York


A proprietary colony was a type of settlement common between the years 1660 and 1690. They were large tracts of land given to favorites of the British crown. In other words, they were colonies owned by a private person, who was supposed to supervise and develop them.

A chattel is any item of tangible movable or immovable property that is not a building or a land.

A patroon was a certain type of landowner that had manorial privileges granted by the old Dutch governments of New York and New Jersey.