2. Two specific examples of how the development of cities and the construction of
monuments resulted in the rise of mathematics, science and art.

Respuesta :

The development of cities was accompanied by periods of prosperity, where cities exhibited population growth, good agricultural and commercial production and wealth. This attracted the ambition of other cities and could trigger robberies and invasions. To prevent this from happening, more developed cities were walled. These walls influenced the rise of mathematics and science. This is because the construction of these walls required knowledge about quantities, counting, geometric figures and other mathematical concepts. In the scientific field, the construction of the walls required physical and chemical knowledge that promoted good resistance and duration of the walls.

The wealth generated by the development of cities promoted the construction of architectural movements that embellished the city and showed its artistic quality. These monuments required artistic knowledge, in addition to scientific and mathematical knowledge that would allow the monument to be beautiful, imposing, safe and long-lasting.