McGonigal chooses to use the words scarcity, famine, and abstain. What do these words have
in common, and why might McGonigal have selected them? Use context clues or a dictionary
for help, if needed

Respuesta :


The words scarcity, famine, and abstain are all negative words. Also, scarcity and famine mean a big shortage of food, and abstain means restraining yourself from enjoying something, so maybe this has something to do with that?

Even though I have not read the passage, I think that McGonigal chose those words because they were describing something bad, or talking about something to do with food or a shortage of something.

hope this helps

The full question is:

When Atys was king of Lydia in Asia Minor some three thousand years ago, a great scarcity threatened his realm. For a while people accepted their lot without complaining, in the hope that times of plenty would return. But when things failed to get better, the Lydians devised a strange remedy for their problem. The plan adopted against the famine was to engage in games one day so entirely as not to feel any craving for food … and the next day to eat and abstain from games. In this way they passed eighteen years, and along the way they invented the dice, knuckle-bones, the ball, and all the games which are common.  

McGonigal chooses to use the words scarcity, famine, and abstain. What do these words have in common, and why might McGonigal have selected them? Use context clues or a dictionary for help if needed.

What the words famine, scarcity and abstain have in common is that they portray people that are in need and also shows that they are restrained.

McGonigal selected these words to show the extent of the situation. In this passage there is a famine.

  • Famine is characterized by great food shortage.
  • Food scarcity on the other hand is quite similar to the meaning of famine. It also signifies that there is food shortage.
  • To abstain on the other hand shows restraint from doing something. From the passage we can see that the people are to hunt for games for a day. While hunting they wont feel pangs of hunger. The next day they are to eat their games from the previous day.