Please Help!!! Will mark brainlyest!!!

Analyze evidence from the lesson regarding the origins of cell compartmentalization. Then make a claim about the origin of cell compartmentalization based upon the evidence presented, stating two to three reasons for the claim. Provide evidence and specific examples that support each reason for the claim. Provide a conclusion to the short essay.

Respuesta :



Both organelles, the mitochondria and chloroplasts (in photosynthetic organisms), are compartments that are believed to be of endosymbiotic origin.A compartment is a separate space within a larger whole. In relationship to the endomembrane system and the nucleus.organelles that aren’t part of the endomembrane system, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts.Cellular compartmentalization allows cells to optimize the efficiency of the processes that occur within organelles. But despite the advantages of compartmentalization, it’s not a universal feature of life. In fact, compartmentalization of cellular functions into membrane-bound organelles is limited to only one of life’s three major groups, or domains. That domain is the one that we belong to, the Eukarya. In addition to animals, eukarya includes plants, fungi, and other organisms with eukaryotic cells: cells that are relatively large, complex, and compartmentalized. And to see why that is, we need to look at how life has diverged over time.


