
Escoge el estado del tiempo que describe cada frase.

Hay lluvias fuertes, rayos y un viento de más de 100 millas por hora.

Hay vendaval.
Hay maremoto.
hay huracán
hay inundación
Hay terremoto.
Está granizando
Hay deslizamiento.
Hay tornado.

Respuesta :

ill give you the translation if you dont understand it

There is heavy rain, lightning, and a wind of over 100 miles per hour.

There is a gale.

There is a tidal wave.

there is a hurricane

there is flood

There is an earthquake.

It's hailing

There is slippage.

There is a tornado.

i dont really get what you wanted but if theres something wrong please tell me!


hay huracán


I think this is the right answer :/