1 - 7:40 - (as Laurens Lafayette and Mulligan ask, "Who are you?"). A) Summarize what you learned about Hamilton's early life. B) Compare Burr and Hamilton What is Burt's advice to Hamilton and how does Hamilton respond?​

Respuesta :


Hamilton was a orphan, immigrant. Burr tells Hamilton to 'Talk less, smile more.' Hamilton thinks his advice is funny and doesn't take it lightly which leads to him, sadly, dying in a duel against Burr. Also, Burr and Hamilton are both well rounded men, both from the 1700, both were friends with Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan.



Ham's early life: Every day wile slaves were bein slaughtered nd carted away across the waves he struggled and kept his guard up, Inside he was longing for something to be a part of this brother was ready to steal beg borrow or barter, then a urricane came and devistation reigned our man saw his future drip drinin' down the drain and he wrote his first refrain a testiment to his pain now the word got around they said this kid s insane man, took up a collection just to send him to the mainland, get youre education don't forget from whichyou came and the world gonna know youre name, (blablablablabla) when he was ten his father split full of it dept ridden 2 years later see alex and his mother bed ridden half dead, sittin' in their own sick the scent thick (alex got better but his mother went quick) moved in with a cousin the cousin commited scuicide (idk how 2 spell) left him with nothing but ruined pride, something new inside a voice ayin "alex ya gotta think for yourself He started retreatin' and readin' every treatise on the shelf There would have been nothin' left to do for someone less astute He woulda been dead or destitute without a cent of restitution Started workin', clerkin' for his late mother's landlord Tradin' sugar cane and rum and all the things he can't afford Scammin' for every book he can get his hands on Plannin' for the future see him now as he stands on The bow of a ship headed for the new land In New York you can be a new man!

*huff huff*

Burr and hamilton are very different because burr does not throw away his shot at the end and is an evil man that waits for a lot of stuff, and hamilton is the exact oppisite.

Burr's advice is to talk less and smile more and then hamilton just goes: "what?" "huh." and "you can't be serious"