4.5 Code Practice

Write a loop that inputs words until the user enters STOP.

After each input, the program should number each entry and print in this format:

#1: You entered______

Can someone please help me with this because I so stuck

Respuesta :


The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


This program is written in C++.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()



   string word;// variable for taking user input

   int cond;// to set condition true if user preses the stop and exit from loop


   cout<<"Enter word: \n";


   do// start while loop




       if(word=="stop" || word =="STOP" || word == "Stop")// if user enter word stop, then program exit





       else//otherwise loop continue


           cout<<" You Entered "+ word +"\n";

           cout<<"Enter word: \n";





   while(cond == 1);// if user don't enter word "stop" loop run continuesly.  

   cout<<"Program exit";


   return 0;
