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yes and no because you aren't always going to be eating fruits ,salad, zucchini etc. And also you aren't always going to be eating junk food. See eating healthy food has a good affect because usually healthy food come from tress the ground or bushes but junk food is made from chemicals and other stuff that you may be allergic to and all those things used to make then can ruin your stomach like one of my mom's friend she only eats junk food like hots Doritos, Takis, cookies ,pizza and other junk foods  and so has slowly ruined her stomach. But still we aren't going to always be eating healthy because every time people start a diet mostly in this quarantine you end you not doing it because you want somet5hing sweet or something not diet related and not only diets also when your not you want something sweet or savory. But they shouldn't be banned because what if one day you want something different that isn't healthy you can't get it and if people want to eat junk food let them there are the ones who there stomachs are going to get messed up