Respuesta :


  1. Lenin and Nicholas II also concerned on modernizing Russia albeit Lenin more so.
  2. Lenin believed that Communisms = Soviet power + electrification of the whole country so as to catch up with the west which Nicholas did too, specialized on industrialization with Witte's great spurt.
  3. Nicholas and Lenin were different within the ways they used repression. Both used concessions/reform so as to take care of control.
  4. Nicholas and Lenin were different within the ways they used repression. Until the Purges and dekulakization under Stalin, the red terror was repression which had never been seen before killing strikers, tsarists officials, and peasants who wouldn't abide by War communism.
  5. Lenin also centralized the state even more - referred to as democratic centralization however Nicholas gave more representation to the people arguably.
  6. Tsar and Lenin thought nothing of getting political rivals exiled or executed. Lenin and his closest lieutenants hastened home after the German authorities agreed to permit their passage through Germany to neutral Sweden.
  7. Lenin arrived in Petrograd on April 16, 1917, one month after the Tsar had been forced to abdicate.