100 Points + Brainlest 8th grade ELA Help Me Please

Write a short story about a time when you or someone you knew learned an unexpected but important lesson.

Before writing, please review the 8th Grade Narrative Writing Rubric for context of the reminders listed below.

Be sure to include the following:

Write at least one page
Engaging Opening ( Hook Strategy)
Point of view
Sensory details
Descriptive Details (Vivid adjectives and verbs)

Respuesta :

Hey get over here!” my brother screeched to me. It was last January and we were slipping and sliding on the ice

by my school. My school has this big field that gets really swampy and mushy in the summer but in the winter it’s like an

ice rink. I zipped over to my brother and crashed into him with a SMACK.

My brother was too focused on the ice to notice. He was pointing down at a green rectangle frozen in the ice.

“That’s money!” I screamed. We jumped, pounded, chipped on that ice until our toes were like frozen popsicles. When

we got it out it was mushy and soggy but it still worked. At the store we got a Hershey bar and a bunch of mini peanut

butter cups. We raced back to the field and looked all day. There’s nothing better than free money!

BUt then we found out it belonged to a older man who had just broke his leg so we felt guilty.