Convert the following decimals to fractions. Simplify all fractions so they are relatively prime.

.6 = ____________ .12 = ________________

.25 = _____________ .125 = _________________

.8 = _______________ .875 = ________________

.64 = _______________ .625 = ________________

A baseball player has a batting average of .375. This means he gets a hit ________ of his at-bats. (Hint: Convert his batting average to a fraction)

Whoever answers first i'll give you a brainilest. Thanks for the help!


Respuesta :

Answer: 0.6= 6/10=3/5. 0.12= 12/10=6/5=1 & 1/5. 0.25= 25/100=5/20=1/4. 0.125= 125/1,000=25/200=5/40=1/8

Step-by-step explanation: 0.6= 6/10. Simplify 6/10 to get 3/5. Can't be simplified any further. 0.12= 12/10. This is an improper fraction, so to get a proper fraction you must think: ok I know 10 is the denominator(bottom number). This means that to make a proper fraction I need to figure out how many tens can I get out of twelve. Answer: 1 ten comes out of 12. So the answer will be a mixed number. 1 is the whole number and you have 2 left over from making the 10, so it is now 1&2/10. Simplify this to get 1 & 1/5.  1 & 1/5 can't be simplified any further so 1 & 1/5 is the final answer. 0.25= 25/100. 25 divided by 5= 5. 100 divided by 5= 20. Now you have 5/20, you can divide this by 5 also. 5 divided by 5= 1. 20 divided by 5= 4. So the final answer is 1/4. 0.125= 125/1,000. 125 divided by 5= 25. 1,000 divided by 5= 200. Now you have 25/200. This can also be divided by 5 . 25 divided by 5= 5. 200 divided by 5= 40. This can also be divided by 5. 5 divided by 5= 1. 40 divided by 5= 8. Final answer: 1/8.