CBA2 - 12th Grade Gvt

5 of 16 5 of 16 Items I WILL MAKE YOU THE BRAINIEST!!

Item 5

Note: this is the same source for questions #4-6.

(1) “The massacre that killed 17 at a Florida high school...has ignited student-led campaigns

against gun violence that have seen anguished teenagers lead rousing rallies, make

impassioned appeals on network news shows and stage a “die-in” at the White House.

(2) But alongside those efforts, well-financed national groups are working to provide logistical

and financial support to help turn that outrage into a sustained effort to rein in access to the

nation’s deadliest guns. They also are hoping to transform that teen anger into votes that could

shape November’s midterm elections…

(3) ‘We want to make this a movement, rather than a moment,” said Shannon Watts, who

oversees Moms Demand Action, part of a network of gun-safety groups…In the two weeks since

the deadly rampage at [Parkland], Watts’ group has launched a new arm, Students Demand

Action, and has added 115,000 new volunteers to its roster, more than doubling its active

volunteer base…The American Civil Liberties Union [will also] host an online training to help

students and their families understand their legal rights should they run afoul of law

enforcement or school authorities during the protests and walkouts…

(4) ‘The big question is: Can [these student-led campaigns] keep this kind of pressure up for

an extended period of time? It’s one thing to capture the attention of a country’ [Gun control

activist Mark Kelly] said. ‘It’s a whole other complicated process to not only capture the attention

of members of Congress, but to get them to act in a responsible way.”

Source: Gun-Control Groups Team With Students, USA Today, 2018

According to Paragraphs (2) and (3) in the source, students seeking to influence gun policy are

being assisted by –

A political action committees.political action committees.

B political parties.political parties.

C interest groups.interest groups.

D policymakers.