Which two parts of the story show that the Moon wishes he could be different?

excerpt adapted from How the Moon Became Beautiful

One day, the Moon said, "I do not like to be the Moon. I wish I were a star or a flower, but alas! I am only the Moon and no one likes me. If could only be a flower and grow in a garden, people would come to see me, but I am only the Moon and no one honors me." The stars answered and said, "We cannot help you. We do our duty, we work all day and twinkle in the dark night to make the skies more beautiful. But that is all we can do," they added, as they smiled coldly at the sorrowful Moon. Then the flowers smiled sweetly and said, "We do not know how we can help you. We've lived always in one place-in a garden near the most kindhearted malden in all the world. As she is kind to everyone, we will tell her about you. Her name is Tseh-N'io." Still the Moon was sad, so one evening he went to see Tseh-N'io, and when he saw her he loved her at once. He said, "Your face is very pleasant I wish that my face would be as your face. Tell me, how did you come to be so kind?" "I have always lived with those who were gentle and happy, and I believe that is the cause of goodness," answered Tseh-N'lo. And so, the Moon went every night to see her and their friendship grew stronger, and he wished more and more to be near her always.​

Respuesta :


One day, the Moon said, "I do not like to be the Moon. I wish I were a star or a flower, but alas! I am only the Moon and no one likes me. If could only be a flower and grow in a garden, people would come to see me, but I am only the Moon and no one honors me." Hmm this one?

Answer: "I do not like to be the moon. I wish i were a star or flower, but alas! I am only the moon and no one likes me"


"Your face is very pleasant. I wish that my face would be as your face."
