Respuesta :


Could it be

I’ve never seen

Beauty in me

Took time to reflect

On all that I am

I haven’t shared everything I can

On this soul-searching road

The winds and turns

Each corner holds secrets

Each road taken holds challenges untold

Which road you choose is how life unfolds

Some are rougher, Sometimes it’s smooth sailing

All the time I’ve invested in this world

I’ve come to realise

Each moment is just a piece strung together

In this story called life

I have no wisdom in my words

All I know is I’ve survived

Yeah, still alive.


Some would say I feel too much

Some would say, I’m too myself

Mistakes I owned them

Haters I outgrow them

There’s a whole lot in me

Only a few people see

A light that shines slightly through the cracks

I’m not all bad

And all this strength gathered

Has taken me to heights

Others couldn’t imagine

Like a lighter, a little spark

Can ignite a torch

Revealing truths in dark corners

It’s all these things

That makes me a lyrical philosopher

Through these lines I conquer
