(HELP ASAP)Correspondence from Bernardo de Gálvez to John Campbell.

The English in Havana intimated with threats that none of the ships or buildings of the King and private parties be destroyed, burned, or torn down under pain of being treated with the utmost rigor. The same warning I give to your Excellency and others whom it may concern with the same conditions. God keep you Excellency many years. Camp of the Island of Sta. Rosa, March 20, 1781.

–“Diary of the Operations against Pensacola,”
Bernardo de Gálvez

Which demand does Gálvez make in this letter?

Britain should respond to his request to negotiate a treaty.
Britain should not destroy Spanish property or ships.
Britain should not create a blockade on the Gulf Coast.
Britain should give up control of certain property in Pensacola.