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Biology (with a concentration in pre-medicine)


I am a 3rd year undergrad student in Biology Pre-Medicine and this is the most helpful major on the path to medical school.

While most med students will tell you you can be any major, I disagree. Certain schools require certain classes in order for them to even look at your application (on top of many other things), classes like biologies, chemistries, etc... The Biology major with the concentration in pre-medicine degree plan is already made up of entirely med-school preferred classes. So, if you were a sociology major or psychology major, not only would you have to fulfill the entire degree plan of that major, but you would also have to take several other biology classes that weren't already in that degree plan, making it much more difficult and you'd probably end up in undergraduate college much longer than you wanted to be. Don't be afraid of this though! I would have loved to have been able to major in psychology, but the medical schools I want to apply to require all of the classes on my universities Biology degree plan. So, I chose a minor in psychology (just to keep myself from going crazy)! You will more than likely have some wiggle room to take a few extra classes on top of your Bio classes, so go ahead and minor in something that you are good in, and it will be a super helpful GPA booster. Good luck on your path to medical school!