
____ 1. How did England view its North American colonies?
a. as an economic drain c. as an economic resource
b. as a land of savages

____ 2. A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies is called
a. a militia. c. a confederacy.
b. an army.

____ 3. That proposal sought to unite the American colonies against the French?
a. Albany Plan of Union c. United States Constitution
b. Confederacy of England

____ 4. The Seven Years' War was a war between
a. Spain and Britain. c. France and Native Americans.
b. France and Britain.

____ 5. Which leader recognized that British settlers threatened the Native Americans' way of life?
a. Buick b. Pontiac
c. Ottawa

____ 6. What theory holds that a nation's power depended on expanding its trade?
a. mercantilism c. gold reserve
b. trade

____ 7. What plan called for one general government for all the American colonies?
a. Iroquois Confederacy c. Bill of Rights
b. Albany Plan of Union