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The New England colonies consisted of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. The geography of the region had hilly terrain, rocky soil, and jagged coast lines. The weather of this region also consisted of moderate summers and cold winters. This colony was founded by Roger williams and fellow puritans escaping prosecution, leading to social classes being dependent on religious standing. Religion and government were also tied together and they practiced direct democracy along with a covenant community. Their economy was dependent on shipbuilding, fishing, lumbering, and manufacturing, as well as later established cash crop plantations.

Chesapeake colony regions included Virginia and Maryland, and had a temperate climate. This made for good farmland, and resulting in easier cash crop and tobacco cultivation, thus creating a successful economy. Since the economy was centered around plantations, much indentured servant labor was used, as well as the importationf of African slavery. Laws were created to keep slavery profitable and legal. This colony was also a refuge for English catholics, meaning many roman catholics facing discrimination in England were safe here. However, little religious tolerance existed for Christians. Within the Chesapeake colonies however, very little women settled, leading to social classes and demographics consisting of mostly Roman Catholic men, African slaves, indentured servants, and American Indian tribes. Democracy was a large part of the government, and the democratic principles enforced reflected the basic rights of Englishmen.

The Southern colonies geography consisted of both North and South Carolina and Georgia. There were many rivers in this region, and the mild climate led to good crops, also leading to the implementation of plantations. Most settlers in this are were poor farmers or people seeking better economic opportunities. Their religion was mainly Anglican, meaning they were closest to the England monarchy, as their religion was most similar. Economic characteristics subsisted of plantations, slave labor, and cash crops, though there were small trading systems involved. The social classes were based on family status and land ownership and their population was largely made of African slaves. The representative government was dominated by large landowners, and they played the lead roles in representative colonial legislature.

The middle colony region included Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. THis region had low coastlines with many harbors, bays, wide rivers, and rich farmland. The moderate climate allowed for crops and livestock to thrive, meaning that this region became a big city for trading and farming. Middle colonies were founded by William Penn, and were a safe haven for different religions like Quakers and Jews. The social structure was also flexible, with an artisan middle class and many American Indian tribes. Due to the flexible religious tolerance, this are was very diverse, and were the most ethnically diverse of British colonies in America. The Virginia House of Burgess was founded in 1619 and was America’s first representative government.


Im in ap us history, and got a 100% on this question.