Respuesta :


I found a monster in my backyard. I named my monster Woodie (noun) because I found him (pronoun) near an old wooden stump. Woodie (noun)  is short (adjective) and has brown (adjective) fur, like a dog. He (pronoun) has huge eyes and there are three  of them. I found out Woodie (noun) likes to eat apples (noun), string cheese (noun), and pizza (noun). Woodie (noun)  and I like to play (verb) at the park. When we go to the park, I dress him up. The first time we went to the park, I didn't dress him up and the people just stared at us. At the park we swing (verb) on the swing set and slide (verb) down the slides. We have a great time together. I am so happy I found Woodie (noun) .


There are more verbs, nouns, and adjectives. I just wanted to give you some examples of what they would be.