
Read this excerpt from White Fang.

White Fang saw his mother taken aboard Three Eagles’ canoe, and tried to follow her. A blow from Three Eagles knocked him backward to the land. The canoe shoved off. He sprang into the water and swam after it, deaf to the sharp cries of Grey Beaver to return. Even a man-animal, a god, White Fang ignored, such was the terror he was in of losing his mother.

But gods are accustomed to being obeyed, and Grey Beaver wrathfully launched a canoe in pursuit. When he overtook White Fang, he reached down and by the nape of the neck lifted him clear of the water. He did not deposit him at once in the bottom of the canoe. Holding him suspended with one hand, with the other hand he proceeded to give him a beating.

The conflict in this excerpt is important to the plot development because?

A.Grey Beaver punishes White Fang until he becomes violent and ceases to care about the consequences.

B. White Fang gives up and becomes a weak character after being abandoned by his mother.

C. Kiche is hurt in the outburst and is returned to the camp because of her injuries.

D.White Fang learns to survive the loss of his mother and the great challenge of human punishment.