Respuesta :

1. What sin does one of King Arthur's knights commit?

Answer: He rapes an innocent woman

2. What punishment does King Arthur initially order for the knight's crime?

   Answer:  beheaded

3. What question does the queen ask the knight to correctly answer in order to spare his life?

 Answer: What do women want more than anything in the world?

4. How much time does the knight have to answer the queen's question?

Answer: The knight is given a year and one day.

5. What specific answers does the knight receive in response to the queen's question?

Answer: He got plenty of answers like love, riches, honor, clothes, and pleasure

6. How does the story about Mida's hideous secret relate to this tale?

Answer: women can't keep secrets

7. What is your answer to the queen's question?

Answer: I believe what women want more than anything in the world is to be lived and have a sense of belonging.

8. What answer does the old woman give to the knight?

Answer: women want to have power over their husband and have the final saying in all matter

9. Do you agree or disagree with her answer? Explain.

Answer: I personally disagree because women have all the power they need now but they all just want respect and faithfulness.

10. What does the old woman want from the knight in exchange for her life-saving answer to the queen's question?

Answer: The old woman asks the knight to marry her in front of all the people who were at the gathering.

11. How does the knight feel about upholding his end of the deal with the old woman?

Answer: The knight doesn't want to marry the wrinkly, ugly, and old lady.

12. What is the Wife of Bath's opion about noble status in relation in noble character?

Answer: based more on your character

13. What is her opinion about poverty and character?

Answer: The old lady believes that poverty isn't a wrong thing

14. What are the advantages of poverty according to the Wife of Bath?

Answer: That the knight doesn't have to worry about her cheating on him.

15. But truly poor are they who whine and fret and covet what they cannot get. And he that, having nothing, covents not, is rich, though you may think he is a sot [fool]."

Answer: The rich are more likely to complain and whine more because they want new things but the poor are happy with everything they recieve.

16. What choice does the old woman give her new husband, the knight?

Answer: She gives the choice for her to be old and disgusting until the day she dies but be humble and faithful to him and never upset him or he can have her beautiful and young and take the risk that she'll cheat on him.

17. What does the knight decide?

Answer: He decided to let her decide which of those options will be better for him and her.

18. How does the knight's decision illustrate the answer to the queen's question?

Answer: He loves her no matter what she looked like even though he thought she was ugle and disgting.

19. What happens to the old woman's appearance at the end of the tale?

Answer: She becomes beautiful and young.

20. What is the lesson or the moral of the tale?

Answer: To love people regardless of what they look like.

21. Is the tale effective in teaching this moral? Explain.

Answer: Yes, because it explains hwo love is not about looks but instead it's about what's on the inside.

22. Is the tale suited to the teller? In other words, is it appropriate that the Wife of Bath should tell this particular tale?

Answer: Yes, becasue it's about how love works and how you should love someone for who they are instead of their looks.