Will mark brainliest!!

Write a narrative using

"My opening paragraph: My life has been hell. I have been judged incorrectly by the way I look, talk, and my insecurity. People are on the outside looking in but i'm going to put you inside looking outward. Do you think a parent could be against their own child just to get what they want? It sounds crazy, but at times it can sound pleasing. Wrapping yourself around guilt, shame, and hostility in retrospect to who you may become can hunt you down. Trying to run away? You’d wish it was that easy."

as the beginning.

Respuesta :

Title: A Day in the Life of Me

I walked into the school building and looked at the floor. I already heard the whispers from the other students.

"Look at her! What is that?"

"I feel so bad for her parents! Why would they even want her?"

The truth was, my parents didn't want me. They just didn't have anyone that wanted to take care of me.


My name is Priyanka, I'm 14 years old, and I have a disease called Vitiligo. It makes me look different from the other students, but.. I'm already judged.

Nobody understand how hard it is, nobody gives me a chance. I try to engage in conversation, and people run away from me, as if I'm contagious or something.

I'm from India, and because of that, I sound different than the other students. Teachers are like my only friends, and I also get called "Teacher's Pet!" whatever that means.

I moved to Denmark a few weeks ago, and I already hate it. Everything here is different. The first day I came to school, I wore my traditional Indian clothes and I became a laughingstock.

If only I could just cancel myself out. Change. Maybe it'll just make everyone happy if I just.. cease to exist.

School felt as long as possible today. Once I got home, I ignored my parents and instantly headed upstairs and to my room. I shut my door and drowned my noise out with music. Nobody came to bother me the rest of the day. Probably because they didn't want anything to do with me.


Hope this helped! My creative writing isn't that good.