This question is about the boy in the striped pajamas please help
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. How does the trailer compare to the book? Is it an accurate representation of the story you read? Why or why not?
2. What changes would you make to the book trailer? If you would not make any changes, please explain why.

Respuesta :


1. The book trailer does not accurately represent the story The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It fails to give us any sort of representation of what exactly this book was set to describe, but simply says phrases like "see the world through a child's eyes." This could be describing any number of topics, like how a child sees the importance of recess, rather than specifically how a child reacts to the differences he or she has with another child.

2. If I could change the trailer, I would include more details implying that a child may not see any racial or religious differences between themselves and another child. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas talks all about how Bruno doesn't notice any significant differences between himself and the boy on the other side of the fence, and this should be more accurately represented in the book trailer

Let me know if this answer is a bit confusing and I can better explain it!!