
Nelly is afraid of acting on stage. She
worries that she’ll forget her lines during
her performance and people will laugh at
her. Then, she seeks the help of a friend to
overcome her fear. After days of practice,
Nelly thinks she’s ready to go on stage.
She tries out for the role of Juliet in
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. She
not only gets the part, but she also
gives a memorable performance on
stage. Nelly is no longer afraid of being
on a stage.
Jamal believes that to succeed in life all
you need is hard work and determination.
He is a great football player and wants to
go to college on a football scholarship.
However, just before a big game, Jamal
sprains his ankle. He misses playing at
the game. Still, he thinks there will be
another game to play. He continues to
focus on his training, working hard to
get better.
Bobby has always been an honest kid.
He tries to tell the truth most of the time,
even if the truth might get him in trouble.
During a quiz in class, Bobby sees two of
his classmates cheating. He knows these
classmates pretty well. However, he knows
that cheating is dishonest and he must tell
his teacher. Bobby isn’t sure what to do. He
doesn’t want his two friends to get in trouble.
Nina has been jealous of her little sister
Lizzie since Lizzie turned four. Nina felt
that Lizzie hogged everyone’s attention
and love. On Lizzie’s birthday, their parents
gave her a beautiful dress. One night, Nina
crept into Lizzie’s room and stole the dress.
Then, she hid the dress at the bottom of her
closet. Nina was happy that her sister would
never get the dress back.

Respuesta :




I have zero idea what this means. Can you elaborate or is this just a thing, because if so, awesome story.


1 story is Dynamic, 2 story is Static, 3 Story is Round, and 4 Story is Flat


I know because i had the same question! UwU Hope this helped!!