Which describes one of the main differences between mitosis in plant cells and in animal cells?
O Plant cells' chromosomes separate, and animal cells' chromosomes do not.
O Plant cells contain centrioles, and animal cells do not.
Plant cells use spindle fibers, and animal cells do not.
O Plant cells form a cell plate, and animals cells do not.

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plant cells form a cell plate and animal cells do not

The one of the main differences between mitosis in plant cells and in animal cells are that Plant cells form a cell plate, and animals cells do not.

What is the difference between plants and animals?

The fundamental difference between the plant and animal kingdoms lies in the cellular characteristics and type of nutrition. Plants are autotrophic organisms, that is, they feed themselves from mineral substances, light and water.

The animal cell is the one present in animal tissues and differs from the plant cell by the presence of organelles known as lysosomes and the absence of structures such as cell wall, plastids, cellular juice vacuole and glyoxysome. Lysosomes are structures related to the intracellular digestion process.

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