The Spanish word for dog is perro and the Spanish word for cat is gato. Use the link word method to help yourself (or another learner) remember how to translate perro and gato from Spanish to English. Describe the process.

Respuesta :


The cAT is Orange.

My dog is 15 PERcent Older.


The Link Method is a very efficient mnemonic method for the elaboration of diagrams and phrases that can improve an individual's memory at different times in his life. This method consists of forming an image with references to the elements that need to be painted, when these references are visualized they present the original element, or present something very similar.

An example of this can be used to memorize the words "pero" and "gato" which are the Spanish translations for "dog" and "cat", respectively. That way, two phrases could be created as follows:

  • The cAT is Orange.
  • My dog is 15 PERcent Older.