1. Chicago has a temperature of -7 degrees Fahrenheit(° F). It is colder in Boston than in Chicago. Select all
the values that could represent the temperature of Boston.
A. 7° F
B. -8° F
C. 0° F
D. -6° F
E. -12° F
2. The table below shows the height of Grace's kite while she was flying it yesterday. Use this information
to determine which statements below are correct. Select allthat apply.
A. Grace's kite rose consistently during the first 4 minutes of its flight .
B. Grace's kite rose a total of 8 feet during the first 2 minutes of its flight.
C. Grace's kite fell 4 feet in between minute 4 and minute 5.
D. If Grace added a row to her chart at 6 minutes to show a drop of 6 feet, the kite's height would be 3 feet.
3. Using this number line, which of the following statements is true?
A. A is the opposite of D
B. B is the opporiste of F
C. B is the opposite of E.
D. C is the opposite of F
4. Which of the following number lines show the correct number? Select all that apply.
A. The opposite of –4:
B. The opposite of the opposite of 5:
C. The opposite of the opposite of 3:
D. The opposite of 2:
E. The opposite of the opposite of –6:
5. Which of the following points is located in the third quadrant of the coordinate plane?
A. (–1, –9)
B. (1, –9)
C. (–1, 9)
D. (1, 9)
Use the graph above to determine which of the following ordered pairs is in quadrant II.
A. (3 , 2)
B. (–4 , 6)
C. (–5 , –2)
D. (4 , –1)
7. Using this coordinate plane, determine which of the following sentences are true.
A. Point A is located at (4, –7).
B. Point B is located at (–7, 4).
C. Point C is located at (1, 6).
D. Point D is located at (–4, 7).
8. John claims that point X = – 4 and point Y = 2.
Which of the following statements provide support for John's claim? Select all that apply.
A. X Y because X is left of Y.
C. Y 0 because X is left of zero.
9. Why is –28 to the right of –64 on a number line?
A. because –28 –64
C. because –28 64
10. The following chart displays the temperatures of a city for the last four days. Use the chart to answer
the question below.
According to the chart, which of the following statements is true?
A. Tuesday was colder than Monday.
B. Thursday was colder than Wednesday.
C. Monday was warmer than Wednesday.
D. Wednesday was warmer than Tuesday.
11. Use the chart below to answer the question(s).
Saturday –15 degrees
Sunday –18 degrees
Monday –16 degrees
Tuesday –13 degrees
Wednesday –11 degrees
According to the chart above, between which two days did the temperature drop?
A. Saturday–Sunday
B. Sunday–Monday
C. Monday–Tuesday
D. Tuesday–Wednesday
12. Solve the following equation for x:
x = |−3.7|
A. 3.7
B. 3.7 or –3.7
C. –3
D. No solution
13. A hiker is located in a valley at a depth of –125 feet. Which of the following equations represents the
depth of the hiker in feet?
A. –125 = –125
B. –125 = 125
C. 125 = 125
D. 125 = –125
14. The chart below displays an account balance over the course of five days. Use the chart to answer the
following question.
Day Balance
Monday –120 dollars
Tuesday –70 dollars
Wednesday –65 dollars
Thursday –70 dollars
Friday –25 dollars
According to the chart, between which two days did the customer's account balance decrease?
A. Monday and Tuesday
B. Tuesday and Wednesday
C. Wednesday and Thursday
D. Thursday and Friday
15. What is the distance between the points M(–21, –7) and N(–5, –7)?
A. 14 units
B. 16 units
C. 26 units
D. 28 units
16. Louisa, Kristen, and Javier live in the same neighborhood. They created a map showing the locations of
their houses on the coordinate plane below. Louisa's house is located at (8, 2), Kristin's house is located at
(–3, 2), and Javier's house is located at (8, –8). On Saturday morning, they all went for walks to their friends'
houses. Louisa left her house and walked 3 blocks north, 5 blocks west, and then 1 block south. Kristen left
her house and walked 4 blocks south, 7 blocks east, and 3 blocks north. Javier left his house and walked 9
blocks west, 3 blocks north, and then 4 blocks east.
If each unit of the coordinate plane represents 1 block, how many blocks away from each other were Louisa
and Javier when they each finished their walks?
A. 10 blocks
B. 7 blocks
C. 8 blocks
D. 9 blocks
17. Jimmy built a model of a sea with different types of vehicles for his history class. In the model , there are
airplanes located above the surface of the water and submarines located below the surface of the water. The
various vehicles are located at the following positions:
• Airplane A is located 10 inches above the surface of the water.
• Airplane B is located 20 inches above the surface of the water.
• Submarine 1 is located 22 inches below the surface of the water.
• Submarine 2 is located 10 inches below the surface of the water.
Which vehicle is the greatest distance from the surface of the water?
A. Airplane A
B. Airplane B
C. Submarine 1
D. Submarine 2
18. Which letter on the number line identifies the location of –8?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Respuesta :


your answers  for 1. would be B. and E. and number 2 doesnt

have a table sorry

mark brainliest