Given two rational expressions, how would the process you follow to multiply or divide them differ from multiplying or dividing two numeric fractions?

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Answer and Step-by-step explanation:

A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction of two integers or ratio of two integers. All integers are rational numbers as they can all be expressed as ratio of two integers. Some decimals are also rational numbers. A rational expression is given by the example: 5/3, 4/5, 1/3, 4/1, 41/18 etc.

A numeric fraction is a representation of part of a whole. Fractions in mathematics are used to represent part of a whole of something. Example 1/4 which is a quarter of say a wedding cake or 1/2 or half of plate of butter

Dividing and multiplying rational expressions( explained above) will be no different from the division and multiplication of fractions since they are all fractions. To multiply fractions(same as a rational expression) we simply cancel out numbers that can divide each other and then multiply values remaining

Example :

4/3*2/8= 1/3*2/2=1/3*1/1=1/3

We can see that 4 divides 8 and we get 2 and then 2 cancels out/divides 2 and we get 1 and so we multiply numbers remaining to get 1/3

To divide fractions, we do it like we've done above for multiplication, only difference is we find the reciprocal of the fraction dividing the other and then we multiply.

Example :

2/3/1/2= 2/3*2/1= 4/3

Here we found the reciprocal of the fraction dividing the other fraction 1/2, reciprocal 2/1 and then multiplied to get 4/3