
50 points and brainliest goooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will read a story and analyze how theme develops in the story.

View the grading rubric as you complete your assignment. This is your guide to a super submission.

Select the 01.04 Worksheet.

Important: Save the worksheet, immediately, to your computer or drive.
Read the story in the worksheet.
Identify the plot elements of the story under the graphic organizer. Write in complete sentences.
Write one full paragraph (or more) in response to this task: Identify the theme in "The Reefs" and explain how it develops in the story. Be sure to cite evidence from the text.
Make sure to include each of the following in your paragraph:
A topic sentence that states the theme
Several body sentences that support your answer by analyzing the setting, the protagonist, the rising action, climax, and resolution
A conclusion sentence that sums up what you have written in your paragraph
Proofread your paragraph for complete sentences, proper punctuation, and correct spelling.
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 01.04 How Theme Develops.
The Reefs
By Marcella Morris

She clutched her lab work to her side and walked briskly towards school. The snow fell in typical New York flurries, and the ground was still icy from last night’s freeze. Careful not to slip, she climbed the steps and crossed the campus toward the science building.

"What am I doing?" she murmured. Sophie’s worst habit was talking to herself in public. "I have been warned."

"You are just a high-school kid, Sophie," they warned. "What makes you think you are capable of solving this crucial environmental issue? Stop wasting your time." The professors would not give her laboratory time to complete research nor would they share their expertise with her.

But, she could not stop.

After a snorkeling trip she took with her aunt to the coral reefs, she felt that something had shifted inside her. The snorkeling guide made one fact very clear: these colonies of tiny organisms would not last. In fact, we’d be lucky if they lasted five more years. She cared about the safety of these coral reefs more than she has cared about anything for a long, long time. She had to do something for the fragile, endangered habitat with its fish, mollusks, worms, crustaceans, and many more.

She used her money to create a lab at her aunt’s house. She worked tirelessly—endlessly—sleeping only when she had to.

"It’s what Mom and Dad would have done," she thought.

Sophie's best friend, Sam, would hang out with her every day—eating pizza, fries, and whatever else he could get his hands on, keeping her company with his humor while she worked on her experiments. And now, she has a biological solution in her hands.

She hesitated at the door to the labs. Nervously, she shifted her lab report from one hand to the other.

"I know that I have an innovative approach to solving the coral reef issue and I know I can help," she said to no one.

The image of being ridiculed by these professors, delayed her entry. She stood outside the door, wanting to run back—wanting to hide—glued to the icy spot.

"Hey, Sophie!" She turned at the unexpected sound of Sam’s voice.

"I’ve been…trying to catch up with you," he panted, out of breath. "Let’s go in and…show them…what you’ve got."

Sophie tilted her head, smiled at Sam and opened the door. She walked confidently to the front, laid out her research on the podium and began her presentation. When her presentation ended, it was to the enthusiastic sound of the scientists’ applause.

Part 1–Graphic Organizer
Graphic Organizer



Rising Action:



Falling Action:


Part 2–How does the theme develop?
Write a one paragraph analysis of the story that explains how theme develops in, "The Reefs."

Respuesta :



in science lab at the High School in New York.


Sophie and Sam

climax of the story 

is that Sam her best friend, gave Sophie confidence to present her research.

Rising Action:

The rising action in the story was when it said “… something shifted inside her.” In "The Reefs" Sophie is worrying about solving this environmental issue.

The climax

of the story is that Sam her best friend, gave Sophie confidence to present her research.

The falling action of this story

is that Sophie gained enough confidence to present her research.

The resolution is that the Scientist enjoyed her speech

In "The Reefs" Sophie is worrying about solving this environmental issue. She is talking to herself about this issue. She saying "Your just a high school kid" and "What am I doing...I have been warned". After a snorkeling trip she finally knows what to do. After having her friend Sam over she finally has the biological solution in hand. After her presentation she gets a resounding applause.