Your goal is to try to figure out what the main idea or theme could possibly be of "The Red Studio". There is not necessarily a right answer for this! What you have to do is write out 1-2 sentences that explain what you think the theme is, and then at least 5 words or phrases that lead you towards that idea. One potential theme will be revealed in the review, just for those of you who can’t stand to not have an “answer” but remember that the main idea or theme is really up to the reader of the poem. Each person who reads this poem will be bringing their own prior knowledge to the reading, so the theme or main idea will change for each person. It may even change each time you read it! The goal here is to think about what you think the poem might be trying to get across and that you are able to support that idea. Write out your 1-2 sentences explaining your theme and include at least 5 words or phrases that you feel support your conclusion.

Respuesta :


L'Atelier Rouge which is also known as "The Red Studio" features a contemplative, yet small view of Matisse's recent painting, sculpture, and ceramics, displayed in his studio. The works of art appear in color and in detail, while the room's architecture and furnishings are indicated only by negative gaps in the red surface leading to a theme that can be interpreted as intricate whilst being modest and subtle.

Extra Notes: Seeing artwork displayed at random is to me the most appealing part of said work, the simplicity and carelessness add the feeling that the work is genuine and personal. I feel as if I myself had been there during the passionate, yet delicate original creation of The Red Studio.

Hope this helps! :D