Respuesta :

 these are what u should be asking urself Who is the author of the source? What are his or her qualifications? Where does the 
author work and what is his or her job description?

There are specific things to consider when you decide whether or not to use a piece of information. Information may be considered “high quality” if it meets all or most of the following criteria:

Audience. For whom is this source intended? Does the text use technical or scholarly language?

Accuracy. Is the information in this source correct? Are there theories that have since been disproven in this source? (this is especially important to determine for scientific texts);

Bias. Does the information in the source support a particular agenda? Is the information in the article primarily fact, opinion, or propaganda?

Credibility. Is the author an expert in this field? What else have they written?

Currency. Is the information up to date? Do your sources need to be current?